
Can Access the appropriate scientific literature

Identifies big picture of field or component of study background, states focus of the study, provides significance of study (identifies any stakeholders as appropriate)

Can Assess and briefly review appropriate published literature

Uses PubMed, with appropriate search terms, to find literature, aware of and uses various filters to obtain articles. Can succinctly identify and describe the main points of a paper, what was being explored and why, what the key background and who key researchers in the field are, what hypothesis was being tested, what the key data is and how it pertains to the hypothesis. What conclusions were reached etc

Can make use of web based resources and data repositories

Has knowledge of and can utilize various electronic data bases that are appropriate to the discipline

Uses visual representation

Can Utilize appropriate visualization approaches to illustrate appropriate background

Describes “model” system to be used

Introduces model system, describes relevant previous study(ies) and their findings pertaining to focus of the study.  Not a history section.


Describes how the work fits into the field

Identifies questions remaining, knowledge currently lacking from field, or limitation of current field.  Relates proposed work to addressing this question.