Develop your Ideas for your CURE
You need a Title for your CURE
As you plan your CURE be sure to include all nine components of research: the approach below is based on CURENet guidelines for CUREs. Linked Examples are taken from OUR CURENet entry for “An Introduction to Chemical Thinking Through the Lens of Antimalarial Drug Design”
You need a brief (one paragraph) description of the science and background for your CURE Research Project.
You need student centered learning goals
You need overall scientific research questions the CURE will address
You need some teaching approaches to help students develop their hypotheses (research component 3)
You need to plan how students have a chance to repeat important experiments that they do (research component 6)
You need to incorporate approaches for appropriate data analysis and presentation (research element 7)
Plan some type of final presentation event (research component 8)
Incorporate peer review (research component 9) into your plans so students both engage in and respond to peer review.