The student should be able to develop and present (in an appropriate format) a proposal that:
Incorporate essential elements of the Relevance and Scientific Background of the project (see associated rubrics)
Clearly states the Hypothesis of their research
Clearly states and justifies testable and falsifiable predictions and relates to hypothesis. Indicates appropriate controls
Succinctly describes what must be measured, and how it will be measured. Includes appropriate controls
Describes how the system will be perturbed to test the hypothesis
Indicates how the data obtained will be analyzed and what criteria will be used to determine whether and changes observed are consistent with or falsify the hypothesis
The Proposal should have a Logical flow from global to particular study point of view. Engaging writing style. Clearly connects ideas. Good use of graphics
There should be No spelling or grammatical errors; includes all required sections; clearly written in language for reader familiar with biochemistry; well organized and legible.
The proposal should, as appropriate, cites necessary References